Consider this MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment)
Species 2 AAA---CCA
Species 3 GGA---CCA
Species 4 AGA---CCA
$d_{K2P} = ...$ > or < D? $d_{JC}$ ? 0.402
Key point: distance depends on the model
## HKY model (1985)
\mathbf{\pi} = \sout{[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]}
\mathbf{\pi} = [\pi_A, \pi_C, \pi_G, \pi_T]
P_t = \begin{bmatrix}
\cdot & \alpha\pi_C & \beta\pi_G & \alpha\pi_T \\\\
\alpha\pi_A & \cdot & \beta\pi_G & \alpha\pi_T \\\\
\beta\pi_A & \alpha\pi_C & \cdot & \beta\pi_T \\\\
\alpha\pi_A & \beta\pi_C & \alpha\pi_G & \cdot
## GTR model (1990,1994)
P_t = \begin{bmatrix}
\cdot & \alpha_{CA}\pi_C & \alpha_{GA}\pi_G & \alpha_{TA}\pi_T \\\\
\alpha_{CA}\pi_A & \cdot & \alpha_{GC}\pi_G & \alpha_{TC}\pi_T \\\\
\alpha_{GA}\pi_A & \alpha_{GC}\pi_C & \cdot & \alpha_{TG}\pi_T \\\\
\alpha_{TA}\pi_A & \alpha_{TC}\pi_C & \alpha_{TG}\pi_G & \cdot
Time-reversible: $P_{ij}(t) = P_{ji}(t)$
So: which model should you use?
How many parameters in each model?
rate parameters + equilibrium frequencies:
JC: 1 + 0 = 1
K2P: 2 + 0 = 2
HKY: 2 + 3 = 5
GTR: 6 + 3 = 9
Model testing:
choose the simplest model that fits the data
# Tree building
- Distance-based methods
- Neighbor-joining
- Character-based methods
- Parsimony
- Maximum likelihood
- Bayesian inference
### Two types of tree
Rooted trees provide **direction**;
unrooted trees only show relationships.
### What's the difference?
Are these trees rooted?
### Can you root an unrooted tree?
### Can you root an unrooted tree?
An outgroup is a species known to be outside the group of interest.
The root must be between the outgroup and the ingroup.
### Are these the same tree? Example 1
### Are these the same tree? Example 2
### Are these the same tree? Example 3
### Are these the same tree? Example 4
## Tree building
### For a given MSA,
### How can we find the optimal tree?
Brute force?
1. Enumerate all possible trees
2. Calculate the score for each tree
3. Choose the tree with the best score
# How many trees?
[Felsenstein 1978](
T = \prod_{k=2}^{n} (2k-3)
= \frac{(2n-3)!}{(n-2)!2^{n-2}}
possibleTrees = function(ntaxa) {
factorial(2*ntaxa-3) / (factorial(ntaxa-2) * 2^(ntaxa-2))
# How many trees?
# Distance-based methods
1. Compute distances between all pairs of sequences
2. Build a tree based on a distance matrix
UPGMA: Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean
1. Start with a distance matrix
2. Find the closest pair of sequences
3. Join them with a new node
4. Compute the distances for the new node by averaging the distances to the other nodes
5. Repeat until all sequences are joined
Merging nearest neighbors
The UPGMA tree is guaranteed to be correct
*if the data are ultrametric*.
ultrametric means:
- the distance from any two tips to their MRCA is the same
- equivalently, for any 3 species on an ultrametric tree, the two largest distances will be equal
if sequences evolve at a constant rate,
the data will be approximately ultrametric
Problems with UPGMA
assumes a molecular clock -- that the rate of evolution is constant across the tree
In reality, the rate of evolution is not constant
because selection varies:
- among lineages
- among types of genes
- among genes in an organism
- among sites in a gene
Problems with UPGMA
Neighbor-joining (Saitou and Nei 1987)
In UPGMA, the pair-to-merge is the one with the minimum $d(i,j)$.
In NJ, we also build a tree by iteratively joining nodes,
but the pair-to-merge is the one that minimizes $Q$:
Q(i,j) = (n-2)d(i,j) - \sum_k d(i,k) - \sum_k d(j,k)
$n$ is the number of current taxa.
$k$ sums over all other taxa
The NJ tree is guaranteed to be correct
*if the data are additive*.
additive means:
- the distance between any two tips is the sum of the branch lengths between them
- ultrametric data is additive, but not vice versa
- additivity is thus a weaker assumption
Problems with distance-based methods
- they are greedy
- they consider only distances, not actual sequences
- they rely on restrictive assumptions not typically met in real data (ultrametricity or additivity)
- they don't consider the possibility of multiple trees with the same score
Character-based methods
- Parsimony
- Maximum likelihood
- Bayesian inference
# Parsimony
Choose the tree that requires the fewest evolutionary changes
Consider this MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment)
Species 1 AAG
Species 2 AAA
Species 3 GGA
Species 4 AGA
Which tree is more parsimonious?
Consider this MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment)
Species 1 AAG
Species 2 AAA
Species 3 GGA
Species 4 AGA
Which tree is more parsimonious?
- Scoring parismony: Fitch (1971) [Toward Defining the Course of Evolution: Minimum Change for a Specific Tree Topology](
- Weighted parsimony: see Sankoff (1975) [Minimal Mutation Trees of Sequences](
Summary of parsimony criterion:
- considers sequences themselves, not just distances
- requires a tree search
- slower than distance methods
- simple, straightforward, logical
- lacks a model; suitable for morphological data
- faster than likelihood methods
Also: Parsimony is sensitive to long-branch attraction
# Maximum likelihood
What is the most likely tree?
Given: model of sequence evolution, tree, sequences
Compute: the likelihood of the tree given the data
Computing the likelihood of the data on a tree
What is the most likely state at position X? Y?
L(X) = P_{X \rightarrow T}(t_1) \times P_{X \rightarrow C}(t_2)
L(X=C) = P_{C \rightarrow T}(t_1) \times P_{C \rightarrow C}(t_2)
L(Y) = P_{Y \rightarrow C}(t_4) \times \sum_{X}^{X \in TCGA}{L(X)P_{Y \rightarrow X}(t_3)}
Finally, at the root, for each site $n$,
L_{n} = \sum_{Y}^{Y \in TCGA}{L(Y) \times \pi_{Y}}
Likelihoods are multiplied across all sites:
L_{total} = \sum_{n}{ln (L_{n})}
Summary of Maximum likelihood criterion:
- More computationally intensive than Parsimony
- Requires a model of sequence evolution
- Requires a tree-search
- More robust to long-branch attraction
Tree confidence
All methods considered so far yield
a *point estimate*: a single tree.
They do not provide a measure of confidence.
Order of operations for phylogenetics
1. Identify orthologs
2. Align sequences (homology statements)
3. Build a tree
Multiple alignment with fast-fourier transform (MAFFT)
## File formats
FASTA format: raw sequences
FASTA format: aligned sequences
mafft dummy.fasta > dummy_aligned.fasta
CLUSTAL format
mafft --clustalout dummy.fasta > dummy_aligned.clustal
CLUSTAL format alignment by MAFFT FFT-NS-2 (v7.520)
sequence1 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatacggcatatagc
sequence2 tgcacgcactgctagctatgcaggcatacggcatatagc
sequence3 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatac--catatagc
****.* *************** ****** ********
## NEXUS format
sequence1 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatacggcatatagc
sequence2 tgcacgcactgctagctatgcaggcatacggcatatagc
sequence3 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatac--catatagc
## PHYLIP format
3 39
sequence1 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatacggcatatagc
sequence2 tgcacgcactgctagctatgcaggcatacggcatatagc
sequence3 tgcatg-actgctagctatgcatgcatac--catatagc
## Newick (parenthetic) format
Plot trees in R with the `ape` package

Nested groups

Branch lengths

How to use IQ-TREE
# Infer maximum-likelihood tree with auto-selected model
iqtree -s example.phy
# Find best-fit model only
iqtree -s example.phy -m MF
# Parallel processing
iqtree -s example.phy -nt 4
#SBATCH --job-name=mafft
#SBATCH --output=mafft.out
#SBATCH --error=mafft.err
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --partition=cobi
mafft --auto input.fasta > output.fasta